Improve Overall Body Constitution
Eradicate ‘chill’ and ‘winds’, improve blood and qi, warm the kidney, improve constipation, prevent edema and high uric acid level, stabilize cholesterol level, maintain blood pressure, lower the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Improve Sleep Quality
Prevent and treat insomnia and neurasthenia, relieve fatigue, relax tendons and promote blood circulation.

Rheumatism & Arthritis
Improve and mitigate swollen, hot and painful joints.

Whole Body Ache
leviate muscle soreness, joint pain, numbness in extremities and backache.

Foot Problems
Prevent/treat and deodorize athlete’s foot, foot odor, blisters and itching.

Respiratory System
Improve chronic bronchitis, coughing, nose allergy, emphysema and asthma.

Immune System
Elevate metabolism, boost the immune system and memory, provide energy throughout the day, prevent hypertension and diabetes.

Beauty Care & Slimming
Expel body toxins, control and reduce body weight, moisturize deep into the skin and lighten pigmentations, freckles, liver spots etc

Uplift regenerative power of cells, retard aging, expedite wound healing, lift the skin.

Blessing For Both Sexes
Regulate female hormone secretion to improve menstrual discomfort, improve sexual prowess of both sexes, promote a blissful marriage life.

Health tips:
People with liver problems should not take ginger powder. They must consult the doctor before taking.
Drink it on an empty stomach and take breakfast 2 hours later. Drink it with honey in the afternoon for better health effects.
It is better to drink ginger powder for 50 days and then stop for 10 days. Then drink it for 30 days and stop for another 10 days.